Where has time gone?

I really wanted to devote more time to my blog, but my first quarter at my new job has been quite time consuming! I love it at my new school, and I have plenty of opportunities to develop new materials that I am adding to my TpT store. I have tons of ideas for blog posts that I have brewing in my head, so I have a lot of writing to do!

Since opening my TpT store, I created a board game called The Land of Oz. Right now there are expansion packs that range from kindergarten to 5th grade level for reading sight words. In the near future, I am creating expansions for mental math.

For now, keep in touch! Email me at ainsleelabs@gmail.com, find me on Facebook, Pinterest, or Ainslee Labs at TpT.


Teachers Pay Teachers store grand opening!

Hello everyone! Anthony and I have been talking about creating a shared blog for months, but it’s been so hard to find time to actually do it. We’re finally taking baby steps. I’ve always wanted to share about my adventures in education and DIY/crafting, and this is a great outlet for it. I’m so excited right now, because I’ve been working on products all summer for my Teachers Pay Teachers (TpT) store. I have one free product that showcases the rest of my products– CVC word work packets. I hope people find them helpful!

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Hello World!

We’re working on getting our blog started, so bear with us as we begin!

We’ll be writing about our individual interests and things we like to do together. We’ve got too many things we like to do and little time so we get to share some of those things with you and you find nuggets that are meaningful to you.

The inspiration for the name of our our blog is our dog Ainslee and also our nerdy side. We love to tinker and do DIY. We’d like to think of ourselves as scientists in the journey of life. This is our story.
